We have been honored to be entrusted with investing money for our friends, our colleagues, and our partners. We think that it says a lot that those closest to us know who we are as people and the principles we hold.

With this heavy responsibility in mind, we knew from the start we would never emulate the model of our competitors. We invested our own money with them before, and we were determined to be better. Our business model reflects the core of our Principles:



Transparency, integrity, and open and honest communication. We always look to do what is right for the partnership.



Complete incentive alignment. Co-invest our own money and only take an incentive for success. We as manager will never gather assets at the expense of returns and never enrich ourselves if our investments don't perform.



We believe in our projects. We only take payment in equity and only get paid for a successful outcome.



Never encumber our investor's returns with unnecessary fees and taxes.



Pass on all distributable earnings to partners on a monthly basis. Go to the beach, and let your investments pay your salary.



We are long term, value creating investors. We are not a flip model. We can weather storms and still end up profitable.



Stick to what we know and have proven in our success.



Manage every property ourself to ensure complete quality control.



Invest project by project as opportunities arise. We don't have a fund. We don't have to force any investment. We don't just gather assets for AUM fees.



Focus on growing cash flow first. While we find value creation follows cash flow growth, appreciation is not mandatory to pay our partners.



Real, tangible returns. We believe in producing investment returns that actually hit your bank account.



Investors = Partners